Picasa Badge

I’m happy to announce that after many days of debugging and testing,

I’ve published Picasa Badge! (as you can see on the right bar) ->

Dependencies: LWP::Simple perl module (namely also: perl-libwww)

NOTE: Picasa is a registered trademark of Google Inc. Picasa Badge is not a partner, affiliate, or licensee of Google Inc., nor is it in any other way formally associated with Google Inc.

Use this software at your own RISK!
The author declines every responsability about this software.

Picasa Badge is a perl script that lets you display on your website a badge containing picasa random photos or albums.
You can edit many settings and the style of your badge (it will be displayed on a <div id=“picasabadge”> </div> element that you can edit with you css style).

Include in your webpage the script by this way:
<script type=“text/javascript” src=“”></script>
As you can see, you can set various options,
Allowed options are:
* account = “Your Account Name
* kind = kind of display objects: “photo” or “album
* thumbsize = the site of thumbnails: 32, 48, 64, 72, 144, 160
* max-results = how many photos picasa badge have to display.
* total-items =  total photos stored on your album or total albums (You can obtain it on picasa account or reading the rss code of your account)
* vertical or horizontal = set it to “1” to see picasa badge vertical or horizontal
* display-logo = set it to “1” to see Picasa Badge logo on your badge

NOTE: I’ve added a little security fix to avoid overloading of my webserver: I’ve added my account name directly into source file to avoid that anyone could use it from my webserver, you can feel free to remove/edit it when you have downloaded the source file!

You can find always the latest version of picasa badge at:

or directly here:

Feel free to contact me for every problem!
